Friday, August 15, 2008

Ordinary Day

When I started to write last night, I thought, "Well, what would I write about? It's just been an ordinary day". I started to ponder that as I was taking my tired body to bed, and again when I woke up this morning.

I was thinking how nothing exciting had happened that day. I hadn't met anyone new, hit any good sales, finished any huge tasks, listened to any one's problems, or even heard anything earth shattering from the Lord. It was an uneventful day.
No catastrophes, no disasters, no broken hearts, (at least none that called me to cry and ask for prayer), no bad news, no ill health, no flat tires, no nothing!

I had my same routine, my same time with my family, my same quietness with the Lord, the same consitency of His word. I had peace and joy, a song in my heart, and a desire to please Him whatever the day brought!! I enjoyed flowers in bloom and blue sky, my Dad singing, hugs from family, and a good meal.
I could walk and talk, touch, hear, and see the beauty around me. I prayed, thanked, and praised the Lord who gave all, and loves me, and keeps me under the shadow of His wing.
If that's an ordinary day, thank you Lord, and give me more!!

Blessings, and may God give you an "Ordinary Day".

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