Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Morning Walks With God

On my walk a few days ago,
I saw, off in the distance,
running across a big pasture,
4 HUGE dogs.

My first thought was,
"Hope they are friendly".
"Is that pasture fenced?"
Then quickly realized it wasn't.

About then, they 'ran' across the road.
Only they weren't really running,
they were gracefully 'leaping'.

Yes, it was 4 deer.
Four beautiful, deer, crossing the road in front of me.

They were running into an area of trees,
and on the other side of the trees was a pasture.

I hurried down the road a bit,
and quietly moved into the area where they had crossed.

I could see three of them, a bit of distance from where i was,
then i saw one in the trees, closer to me.

I slowly walked across the manure filled pasture,
waiting, watching, slowly moving forward,
careful not to scare the deer off,
looking for the very best picture i could get.

The deer looked up,
and knew I was there,
but did not run away.

She would eat a bit, and look up to check on me,
Then eat a bit more.

And then finally she meandered off down the trees to
cross the meadow with her friends.

When we were done,
and as i walked my way back across
the area and to the road,
I was thinking about how i had been totally
focused on getting those pictures.
I had carefully taken every step.
Looking for the best picture i could get.

I was not thinking about anything else.
I was totally focused on one thing.
I had not one thought of the day's problems.
No anxiety, no worries.

" Lord to help me do that in my walk with You.
Help me to stay totally focused on You.
Waiting, watching, slowly moving forward
always looking for Your best."

Blessings friends,

Barbara Jean

This was re posted from last summer for you to enjoy.

God Whispers

God Whispers

Listen Carefully

"Be still and know that I am God.
Ps 46:10

Blessings on your day.

barbara jean

Friday, January 22, 2010

I've Decided..... Raccoons would be fun!!!

Since I do not seem to be posting much over here,
I decided to start showing you some of my fun, interesting,
or hopefully helpful, previous spots.

Let's start with this one:


Friday I went out for my morning walk, as usual.
I had just asked the Lord what treasures He had for me today,
and i looked up and right there in the road ahead of me
was a family of raccoons!
There was a mama, (well i guess it was the mama),
and 4 little ones!!

First time ever I had seen babies!

They saw me about the same time i saw them.
Mama stopped, stood up on her back legs,
and started to herd her little group over to the side of the road.
She was watching me the whole time.

I started right away to get my camera out of my back pack.
As I hurried, she hurried, and
they were just starting to go down into
the blackberries into a little hole.

I said "Wait!! I just want to take your picture. I won't hurt you."

But she scurried them down into the hole anyway.

My plea went out again:
"OK. Just come out into the clearing
so I can get your picture."

They were meandering down the slope,
hidden under the blackberries;
I could hear them.
At the bottom was an old, overgrown stream bed.
And then they appeared again.

"There you are" I said.
" OK, now stand still so i can get your picture."

She stopped. Turned around, stood up, and looked over at me.
It was so awesome!!

There she was, just standing there, with her 4 babies around her.

She'd begin to wander off again, and I'd holler again.

She did that 4 times, with me snapping pics as fast as i could.
I do hope they will be clear when you click on therm.

What a fun way to start the morning.
Made me smile the whole day.

What treasures did God share with you today?

Blessings, and raccoon smiles to you!!

Barbara Jean

It's not too late!!


Funky Junk Interiors' 1000 Followers Event

Donna, at Funky Junk Interiors
is celebrating over 1,000 followers with a big giveaway party.

Get on over there. Two more days of prizes,
and then still a few days to enter!!


barbara jean

Friday, January 15, 2010


Funky Junk Interiors' 1000 Followers Event

Donna, at Funky Junk Interiors
is celebrating over 1,000 followers with a big giveaway party.

You will not want to miss this one!!

There will be prizes offered every day for a week!
And I am the gift giver on one of them. =0))

So get on over there and sign up, a
and don't miss a day of the giveaway!


barbara jean

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Taking Inventory

Maybe some of you may have noticed, that I have not been posting much on this blog.
I have not been sharing my morning walks with God lately.

How do I explain that?
What can I say that will communicate with you why I have not been on here,
sharing what God has been speaking to my heart.
How can I explain that I have time for my other blogs, but not this one?

I have a list of excuses.

I'm taking inventory, my first ever counted inventory at the store.
We are changing to a computer system at the store.
I'ts tax time. Always extra bookwork then.

I've been spending a great deal of time visiting with my parents.
I want to see my Dad as much as I can while he still knows who I am.
And I want to be there to encourage and support my
Mom through this journey of Alzheimers.

I was sick, and depressed, over the holidays.
Obviously I cannot walk when I have the flu.
My morning walks with God are usually a wonderful time
of insights and drawing near to Him.

So, now I am walking again.
What is my excuse?

Is it that my mind is on inventory, and on my Dad?

Maybe it is because if I let God close enough to speak to my heart right now,
close enough to let Him touch me, I will fall apart.
All the pressures and pain will come gushing out and I will dissolve
in the puddle of tears I try so hard to keep down.

Maybe keeping busy is better than feeling everything I would feel right now.
The pain of watching my Dad go downhill.
The pain of friends who are also going through tough things.
The fear of having it myself.

We went to our first of 10 classes at the Alzheimer care center today.
It is hard to see where some of the patients are at.
To know that my Dad will be the same way.

I can be busy with other things, and have somewhat of a break at times.
Blogland and the store are wonderful for that.
But having family, someone you love so much, and seeing them slowly drift way,
makes you realize how unimportant other things are.
Like a store, and how much inventory there is,
or how to make another cute display, or get a few more wonderful
treasures made, or getting taxes done.

So, besides taking inventory at the store,
I am trying to take inventory of myself,
over come the fears that I am already starting down the road my Dad is on,
and figure out just how to stay close and hear My Savior.

I have not figured that out yet.

Lord, teach me how to rest in you.

Thank you for hearing my heart today.


barbara jean

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Word for Today

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;

he hears their cry and saves them.

Psalm 145:18-19 (NIV)