Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lord????? Here I am....

 Lord, some times I just do not know what to say to you.

Maybe I am tired......or cannot quite figure out just how I am feeling.....
or feel a little stunned by life....  like a little birdy just learning to fly,
and not making it on my first effort.

Maybe I am puzzled about how to even go about it all...
this walking with You,
this soul searching, this walking day by day.
I'm not sure just what it is....

Maybe it is the sad of life around me.....
people I know, and don't know, suffering through things.

So, I'm quiet.   I think of You, and what your Word says.

I know you are here with me.....
I know you have a plan for me....
You chose me......

You created me,
You know me better than I know myself.

You have created in my heart and empty place,
that can only be filled with You.

Lord, thank you, that even on the days I feel like
I cannot fly, you are here. Your hand feeds me, You love me,
You wait for me.......

I will be nourished, by your word and your love.
And tomorrow, I will try to fly again.

One day at a time.

Thank you sweet Jesus.