My morning walks with God.
God speaks to me through signs.
Traffic signs.
We go for long walks in the morning.
On these walks God has opened my eyes to all the wonder of His creation.
Two months ago God started 'speaking' to me through, traffic signs.
OK, now don't pass me off as a nut case, but hear me out,
and see if He speaks to your heart.
(I will say I felt a bit overwhelmed by this 'assignment' to share.
I said, "Lord, it is all just too much to share, and it will be too long for a post.
How can I do it?"
His answer, "One step at a time."
So simple. =0)
So, here we go, the first step.
I would see a sign, like
My thoughts would be:
"Is there anything I am doing that I should stop doing?"
This was an opportunity for me to examine my heart,
my priorities, my direction.
Was I keeping God first in my life?
Do I need to stop one ministry to free myself for another
God has in mind?
Do I need to 'stop' and listen??
To Him, to others??
So you see, God used that sign to send a message to me.
Here is another example:
This kind of goes together with the stop sign.
Is the direction I am going a dead end?
I know God uses everything
in our lives to mold us into His image,
but is what I am doing the 'best' God has for me right now?
Is it something I am choosing on my own?
One more for today.
What speed am I going?
Am I running around all the time?
Hurry, hurry, hurry?
Am I going so fast I cannot hear His voice?
Read His Word?
Do my friends think I am too busy to sit with them?
Listen to them?
Spend time with them?
Am I going faster than my angels can fly?
So this is how God speaks to me through signs,
and I see His messages everywhere.
Blessings as you watch for His signs in your life.
barbara jean