This is a long post,
but so a part of my heart,
I hope you will bear with me
as I share with you.
I am beyond words with how to communicate
what i am feeling right now..
I have just seen the most incredible video,
but more about that in a minute.
Several months ago, for some reason i do not even remember,
I had the urge to try making my own bird nests.
And since then, as many of you know,
I have enjoyed building one after another, and
delighted in finding an assortment of materials to make them with.
I have loved being able to share with you
what i have learned along the way,
via 2 tutorials on my other blog.
I love being able to put my nests in a variety of unique
containers, which some of you have purchased,
and others have won via giveaways.
Even after all these months, building nests
continues to delight me.
In my search for materials as i walk each day,
and as a result of various posts i have done for special 'theme' days,
my mind and eyes have awakened more to all the beauty around me.
I now take my camera, a note pad, Bible,
and backpack with me each day when I walk.
Through these walks the Lord has been
speaking to my heart about so many things.
And has given me one creative idea after another.
In the middle of all this was a desire to use God's
creation to awaken a sense of curiosity in children,
to learn not only about His creation, but Him.
To share with them how much beauty is around us, and how
He speaks to us if we will only listen.
To use it as a stepping stone to study
the wonderful world around us.
Thus came this series on my walks with God,
and "Treasures from the Heart of God".
Now I am working on memory boxes,
a new project,
which i will tell you about another day.
So, back to my nests, and the amazing thing i saw.
I just made a few new nests, a bit different than i had been making.
One of my friends said they looked like Oriole or hummingbird nests,
so I got on line to see just what these nests look like.
There was interesting information on how they make their nests,
and what they make them from.
That is where is saw the hummingbird video.
An actual video of hummingbirds making their nests,
and one on from the eggs to
flying and leaving the nest.
It is the most amazing thing i have ever seen!
And I realized even more, what a wonder creation really is,
and what an awesome God we have that created it all for us.
My hearts desire is that we instill this
wonder into our children and grandchildren.
My next few posts will be on the
ideas i feel the Lord has given me
toward that desire He has put in my heart.
But for now,
here is the link to the most awesome Hummingbird video.
It is the 3rd video on the page, under
Hummingbird eggs.
Be sure to scroll down after the video and
see all the great photos.
(credit to Travis Hornung and others)
Then, I hope we will all join in to make this
adventure in learning an exciting one for us,
and the young people in our lives.
Barbara Jean
1 comment:
Barb, first thank you for your sweet comments on my blog :) As always they made me smile. Now for the humming birds and their nests. They are indeed amazing, we are so lucky to have many of them in our avacado trees,we have 3 trees. I have one nest that I kept for myself with an unhatched egg in it and 1 that I sent to Dawn of The Feathered Nest. There are many more up in the trees, but even though I feel guilty taking them after they are abondoned by the humming birds I know that when the rains and winds come this fall and winter they will be destroyed. We have even put a baby back in its nest when it fell out and you know what, it was happy and kept coming back for awhile :) We have so many pictures that we have taken of them around here, even my aunt holding the baby in her hand after picking it up. I will have to do a post on them one day. Oh and your right, they do make the prettiest nests with the strangest things....They chipped paint from our house, you can actually see lil bits of color paint chips in their nest :) ohh and even paper napkins or other pieces of paper that blow into the yard, string and yarn bits from my kids outdoor art projects...all can be found in them too. Amazing aren't they? I never get tired of watching them. Rose
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