Sometimes I get into a mood...just write random things that before I know it has turned into a list of sorts. This time...a list of a few of the things I believe. Maybe I'll make a journal for these and a few other beliefs...or maybe I'll continue to hold them in my heart where they've always been.
Each day is a gift from God and should be treated that way.
Wake up in the morning praising Him for a beautiful day. Remember that good days seldom happen accidentally.
Don't forget to thank God for His unconditional love and His permissive will.
Be willing to take a stand for what you believe is right...regardless of the odds against you.
Life is short...Live it out loud!
When asked what you believe, prefer, not reply...I don't know. If you truly don't know what you believe, prefer,'s high time you were finding out.
Find something to laugh about every day...a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
If you believe something to be absolutely true...just the way it should be...don't compromise.
Spend time in God's word every day. Don't do this for God...He wrote every verse. It will bless your heart to read the Bible.
Pray for your needs and praise God for supplying them. Remember, He's a God of miracles...pray for those too...thanking Him for granting your requests.
Remember to be a cheerful giver. Support your local church...missions...and those in need.
Learn your role, according to God as a man or woman that follows His will.
Spend time, as Mary (the sister of Martha) did, sitting at His feet and worshiping Him.
Be a soul others what the Bible says about being saved.
Pray before you make a decision...allow God to lead you in the lighted path.
You will never regret being kind to another.
Step forward in faith...if God brings you to it...He will surely bring you through it.
Be careful for nothing.
Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass; but, about learning to dance in the rain!
God's angels fight on our side.
'Til next time,
Posted Tuesday April 21, 2009
This was posted by our blogging friend, Susie Mitchell, who just last week, went home to be with the Lord.
She died suddenly of a heart attack, while hoeing in her garden. She lived her 60 years to the fullest.
Susie was an inspiration to us all, always full of ideas and encouragement.
So here's to you Susie, you will be missed.
And to all of us who are still here, let's make an extra effort to be kind and encouraging, and to show and share our love for each other and for Jesus the way she did.
Our prayers are lifted up for her family and friends.
Barbara Jean
She is rejoicing in the Garden with the LORD right now and has left a beautiful legacy of caring.
My prayers are for those still here who love and miss her. May they walk in His peace until they see her again.
Bless you!
Wonderful post , what a great Testimony.
She is with her Creator now , praise the Lord.
Thank you.
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