Sunday, November 29, 2009

There is Victory in Jesus

There is a wonderful song...

There's Victory in Jesus.....

But are you ever just too tired, or sad, to claim it?


Chatty Crone said...

I just wanted to tell you I received my package of goodies today. Thank you so much. Little roses, scrapebook paper, a cute little hangar about friends with a key on it, and much, much more.

Saying, "Friends are those people who know the words to the song in your heart and sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

How true. Thank you again. Now I have to think about where I will use these wonderful things.

Moore Minutes said...

Oh, I adore that song and now I'm singing it in my head. :)

It's okay to be sad for a bit...just rest and let time change your emotions until you can claim the song again. :) Jesus waits...