Today is not only Thankful Thursday, it is Taablescape Thursday at
Susan's place:
You can go there and see lists of places to view beautiful tablescapes.
You won't believe the variety!!
OK. Now down to the business of Thankful Thursday. =0)
I'm thankful for sunshine the past few days. (cold, but sunny. I can live with that)
Yesterday it was almost like summer though. Temps in the high 50's, and today it is supposed to be in the 60's!!! That's Oregon for you. Freezing one day, raining the next, sunny and warm the next. =0)
I'm thankful that i have a brother who lives close, and that i can hang out with him occasionally.
I'm thankful for the 4 little urchins and their mama and daddy, who love yogurt.
We all had an outing yesterday to the local yogurt place.
I thought the lady was going to have a heart attack when we walked in.
All 8 of us!! (My honey came too on his lunch break).
I'm thankful my husband has a job he can take a lunch break from!!
I'm thankful for a God who honors our efforts to follow Him.
His love for us never changes, even when we fall short of our own expectations.
What are you grateful for??
Blessings on your Thursday.
Barbara Jean

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