Since i am having trouble loading on to my other site, I'm loading some photos here of the store.
This is the chicken corner. I have loved chickens for a long time, and love painting them. The big guy up there is one of mine. Can you tell by this corner, and some of the other things in the store that i love a lot of different things?
And take a look at that adorable little dress. She uses the tops of overalls to make them. There you go, a use for those overalls that have holes in the knees!
Someone asked me fora tutorial on making them. No promises, but will try. They would be adorable at a tea, or even used as place card name tags. (my way of saying probably not before Valentine's Day for any tutorial.) =0)
The jars below are special to me. They are filled with sand, with the verse from Ps.139:17,18.
"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God, how vast is the sum of them. Were i to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When i awake i am still with you."
Isn't it amazing that God thinks about us more than there are grains of sand??
I used a little timer to share that with my granddaughter, and her mouth just fell open in amazement! It boggled my mind when i first realized that, and blesses me now to think of it.
My apologies about the underlines and bold (not necessarily where i have put them).
I do not know how they got there, or how to get rid of them.
They just appeared when i started writing. My husband would say it is a "picnic".
(problem in chair, not in computer!)
Any ideas??
Blessings on your day.
Oh, It's Thankful Thursday!! Don't forget to write your 5 things down. It is a great way to start the day.
I'll be back with mine.
Barbara Jean
Barb, your store is darling girl. Thanks for sharing another part of you and what you do. Tablescape Thursday was just moved from Tuesday. I'm sorry for the confusion. If you hit on the button on my blog it will take you right to the spot to sign up.. it's never too late in the day darling.. would love to see one of your tablescapes.. hugs ~lynne~
Barb, I really love your sweet spirit. Thank-you so much for visiting me,even when I don't have anything to look at.I'm just learnig all of this and sometimes it can become a bit overwhelming.I think I got the picture thing figured out now, so now everyone will have something to look at. THANK-YOU FOR BEING SUCH A SWEET ENCOURAGER TO THE BODY OF CHRIST!!! BLESSINGS ALWAYS, Deborah
Hi Barb, Your shop is lovely! Thank you for sharing your photos.
Hugs, Sharon
Hello Barabra Jean, I hope this is not a repeat...I left a comment and and it did go through..I think? I wanted to thank you for the comment and the email...I will email you tonight about me and God's blessing in my life...I am so honored that you liked my treasures..I loved your blogs and and your Shop..They now are marked in my favorites, your writing are so uplifting...
From the heart of Texas...
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