Today was family day.
I started this several years ago. The first Sunday of each month, (barring an occasional interruption), the kids and grand kids come over for Sunday dinner.
We have 2 kids, and 5 grand children, all in close proximity, which i love. Since our son and his daughter, and his sister and family do not often get to see each other, and I am further between visits with our son than i would like, and their Dad doesn't get to see any of them enough, family Sunday was started.
So once a month, we all get to see each other, and it has been wonderful!
Our sweet daughter and her, "we couldn't have picked a better guy", husband, and their 4 kids, and our son and his daughter all come for dinner.
Today, however, was even more special. Today was the dedication of our 5
th grandchild, a sweet little girl born Dec 19. On this occasion we all went (except our son) to our daughter and son-in-laws church, where we joined with them in dedicating their newest addition to our Lord, to commit to raising their children in His ways, where they seek support from their families and church family, and ask for prayer for wisdom in raising them. It is a time of celebration.
So, no wonder there would be tears, tears of joy in knowing they are bringing up their children in the truth and admonition of the Lord, and that they are making that statement publicly, and with accountability to others in doing that.
Today was different. Today there were tears, but with mixed emotions.
Our 14 year old granddaughter came with us to church for the first time, for the baby dedication.
Before she came with us, she wanted to know "just what do you do in church, anyway?".
Did you hear the thud of my saddened heart when she asked me that?
I know, of course, that she is not being lead in that direction, by her Dad, or his divorced wife and her husband. I know what a huge responsibility we have had to share His love, and try to guide her to Him, but somehow, being asked straight out the questions she asked, just hit me to my core.
I explained to her that we go to hear Jesus instruction for our lives from His word, to sing praises to Him, to pray for others, and to love and support our 'family' in Christ.
But somehow, when sitting there, seeing our daughter and her husband at the front of the church, and the precious children they are so diligently raising in His image, and giving little Rowen to Him, the tears that flooded my soul were not only of joy , gratefulness, and admiration for them, but also tears for our other grandchild. For a lovely, and sweet 14 year old girl who does not have that relationship yet.
My tears were temporarily put aside as friends and family were all called up to gather round our daughter's family to pray for them. So the sadness of my heart turned again to joy, as our focus was on them, and the Lord in their lives.
Now, family gone, and quiet of evening with just the two of us here, I am again praying for our son, and granddaughter, to turn to Jesus. I know it is our job to share the truth, and love and guide them, and we continue to do that.
I know God has a plan, and His timing is perfect, and we are not to lose heart as we wait on Him, but the waiting is the hard part.
Let us not lose hope as we wait on Him.
Are you waiting too?
Please pray for Pat, and Camille, that they would be able to see the truth of God's love, and accept His plan for saving grace, and have fellowship with Him.
Blessings, and may those you know and love, soon be part of the family of God.
Barbara Jean