Sunday, November 2, 2008

Try, Try Again

Well, as insightful as I may seem to some of you, I do have a hard time following my own advice.
That is to say, these past few days I have not sat and had a cup of tea, or read a magazine yet.
(previous post).
I have been racing around making pumpkins, arranging and cleaning, getting evergreens and flowers out and ready to make up into gifts and decor, and just plain too busy.
And boy can I tell.
My body is complaining! Who would have thought that spending hours using the glue gun, spray cans, and a paper cutter would make a person sore?! Well, I guess when you had 2 herniated discs few months ago, your body is quick to tell you when you are doing too much.

So, I took today off, at least as much off as I have had for awhile.
The problem with a day off, at least for me, is that my mind just keeps on going, and going, and going. (yes, like the EverReady battery bunny). And sometimes I feel like he looks, just beating his drum and going around in circles to nowhere. =0))

Well, I'm not going to dwell on that, but will say, I'm having a cup of tea, and I'm going to sew a new bird. That sounds restful, don't you think?? And what will this new bird do? He'll add a little charm to an almost finished project. He may even make someone smile. And don't we all want someone to add a smile to our day?

Here's smilin' at ya',

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