Friday, March 27, 2015

Weird, Warm and Wonderful.

 Have you ever had something so wonderful, but unusual happen, that later on, even the thought of it brings back the warm fuzzies of it all?
That happened to me last week.

A friend that I had not seen for some time came in to see me at the store.
We greeted each other with a hug. (a pretty normal thing at my shop.)
As we embraced, a warmth and peace came over me, from the top of my head, down to the bottom of my feet. I could even 'see' with my minds eye, a thin cloud surrounding me, going down over my body, and settling peace into my spirit. I did not even want to let go, it was so wonderful!

I stepped back. slowly, trying to keep hold of that peacefulness, and could barely speak the words, "that was, really, weird, and...wonderful." Then I tried in my feeble way to describe what I had just experienced.
A brief 'event' that went beyond words. But she understood.
So, here I am again, trying to explain this to you, and there are just no words, but the 'feeling' is restored as I speak of it here.

My friend and I proceeded to sit down and visit for awhile. (and this having been a very busy day at the store, I felt God gave us this wonderful time between customers.)
My friend told me how in the last few months she had such a hunger for God, knowing Him, knowing His word, spending quiet time with Him. She could not wait each day till after work to get home and read, and learn more about Him, and take more of Him 'in'.
It had changed her life. She was filled with so much love, and peace, it somehow washed over me in our hug.

Our time together visiting was so uplifting and encouraging, I cherish that we had it.

And it changed me. I wanted 'it', whatever 'it'
I spend time with the Lord, I love Him, and am blessed He walks with me each day. And I have love to give, but this, this was different, and I wanted it. I wanted to share it with others. I wanted them to feel that peace I felt, from head to toe. It takes my breath away to even talk about it now.
And I wonder now if she could feel the 'peace' flow out of her, as Jesus felt when the woman with the 'issue' touched Him and His healing power went out to her.

Now, since  you have read this, I will tell you, if someone shared this with me, I would probably be 'skeptical', or draw a blank as to what on earth they were talking about, but the reason I am sharing is for those who will take it to heart, and use it to help them grow, like I want to grow.

God has this gift of His peace for all of us. And He has enough to fill us to overflowing, so that we may give it out to others.

This is my prayer, for myself, and all of you who desire this extraordinary peace and love Jesus has for us to share:

Lord, I am so grateful for this 'experience' that showed me for a few moments the intensity of the peace you have for us. I pray that my desire for you might grow, and that I might be so filled with your loving and peaceful spirit that it may overflow into the lives of those you send my way.
As I sit here, I am breathing in more of your spirit and promises in my life, and I know you will honor this prayer, as it is what you want for all of us.
Living for Jesus, and in His Holy and Powerful name.